Topics / News
New arrival
Reppu means gale. The exceptional sharpness provided by the high-hardness SG2 (powdered high-speed steel) is …… Read more
Announcement of implementation tracer service “SHIMENAWA” authenticity certification.
We implement tracer service SHIMENAWA authenticity certification for damage to brand value from counterfeit p…… Read more
Announcement of Blade Logo Change
It seems we have confused some customers by changing our logomark on our products. Please let us clarif…… Read more

The TOJIRO KNIFE GALLERY was completed as a transmission base for the “TOJIRO” brand to mark the company’s 50th anniversary. This is a multipurpose complex related to TOJIRO products, allowing visitors to not only take products into their own hands for a closer look, but also participate in cooking classes at the kitchen studio or check the condition of their knives in the maintenance room.

The one and only premium knives are being made in this atelier. Every single piece is forged and handmade by our skillful craftsmen/women.
Blade and handle can be chosen for custom made knives, and an artisan takes full responsibility in all process.

You will feel craftsmanship and see how our knives are made in this facility. Experience vivid skill of our artisans.